Military head of state

2015 Elections: The Choice Before Us – GMB Part 2

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My Fellow Nigerians,

Not exactly 24 hours after the first post but I had to pause and watch the kickoff of both campaigns by the presidential candidates. For the first time in history GEJ sounded like he had some balls. Although he rambled on and on and was mostly on the defensive with almost every statement being prefixed with “they say”. However I do commend the passion he showed, a passion I never thought he had even though it was a bit of passion without substance. He did defend some of the accusations against him and dropped some new bombs at us (MEND hired to assassinate him, really bro? After you exonerated them 4 years ago?). Even if the opposition does not win the presidential elections, I believe our democracy has become richer because of the strong opposition we have. We are now seeing the ruling party sit up so to say because of their fear of the opposition which isnt an achievement in itself because indeed all governments should fear their people and we should be their first priority. Anyway, today let us enter the valley of the shadow of APC. Read the rest of this entry »